This is the contract between SAV Solutions, Inc. (hereinafter called "SAV") and the user/reader of this website.  

The only usage available on this website is the CONTACT FORM. When entering details, please remain respectful and keep things legal. SAV's PRIVACY POLICY explains how user information is collected, used and protected, complying with Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Age Requirement: There is no age requirement to view or use our website. 

Content Ownership: SAV owns all content on the site, including the two photos of Heidi and Joanne on the TEAM page, but excluding all other photos, which are stock photos provided by our web hoster, Site123. Use or reproduction of any owned content is forbidden without written authorization.

Limitation of Liability: This clause limits SAV's liability for any damages arising from the reader's use of the website. Therefore, SAV assumes no responsibility for misuse of this website. Any facts provided are general in nature, and should not be construed as individual advice. All facts should be independently verified, and used or implemented at the reader's risk. 

Governing Law: This website is governed by the laws of Quebec, Canada. A French version is available, and use of the English site is at the reader's preference.